  • 东华大学胡俊青教授学术报告
  • 发布时间:2011-08-03 点击次数:1
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    报告题目:Manipulation and property measurements of individual 1D nanomaterials inside a TEM







    The technology that manipulating and in-situ property measuring of individual 1D nanomaterials is of epoch-making significance in the material investigations and potential applications. This is because that it can interconnect and integrate materials into devices in nano scale, which could overcome fundamental limitations of conventional fabrication. In order to carry out these studies, special types of dedicated TEM holders with either scanning tunneling microscope (STM) or AFM capabilities have been designed. Herein, using these holders, manipulation such as high precision transporting, warping, stretching, cutting and welding, measurements of electrical and mechanical properties of individual 1D nanomaterials can be achieved inside a TEM.



    1997.8-2000.6: 中国科学技术大学,无机化学专业,理学博士学位

    2000.9-2002.3: 香港城市大学,高级研究助理

    2002.3-2004.3: 日本国家材料科学研究所,日本学术振兴会博士后

    2004.3-2004.8: 日本国家材料科学研究所,特别研究员

    2004.9-2008.1: 日本国家材料科学研究所,国际青年科学家中心

    2008.1- 至今: 东华大学,校特聘教授,博士生导师



    围绕无机纳米材料发展的热点与难点,运用晶体学原理和现代显微技术,致力于纳米材料的制备、结构、性能及器件研究,取得了多项创新性的学术成果。(1)开拓性地制备了10 多种重要半导体单晶纳米管,如SiGaN;(2)组装与原位研究了在电子开关等方面有应用前景的纳米线异质结,如Ga/ZnS;(3)提出了八面体孪晶生长模型,发展了低熔点金属催化生长机制;(4)设计与构筑了多种新型纳米器件,如纳米光伏电池。在Nat. Nanotechnol.Angew. Chem.JACSNano Lett.Adv. Mater.等上发表SCI论文130余篇。通讯作者论文获SCI他引1300余次,第一作者论文获SCI他引2000余次。