  • 国际实验室系列讲座13—美国康奈尔大学罗丹教授
  • 发布时间:2012-06-18 点击次数:1
  • 2012612日上午10点半,国际实验室系列学术讲座2012年第七期也是春季活动的最后一期在A722室举行。本次讲座邀请到美国康奈尔大学生物与环境工程系罗丹教授来苏州纳米所进行学术交流。罗丹教授作了题为DNA based hydrogels”的学术报告。报告会由王强斌研究员主持,相关科研人员和学生参加了此次会议。
    罗丹教授团队致力于DNA聚合物材料的开发与应用。目前开发的DNA材料包括树状DNADNA胶和DNA纳米颗粒等。相关应用范围涉及诊断、蛋白生产、药物输送、细胞培养、光电子等多个方面。相关研究成果已在Nature CommunicationsNature NanotechnologyNature ProtocolsNature MaterialsNature Nanotechnology等国际权威杂志上发表。
    Our group has engineered DNA into bulk scale materials due to DNA’s amazing nanoscale and polymeric properties. In this talk I will focus on two major applications using DNA-based gels: a clay-DNA hydrogel and a DNA-based meta-gel.
    How life originated is one of the most intriguing and difficult questions in human existence. The key challenges are that there is lack of historic records and experimental evidence. In particular, it is extremely difficult from a materials science perspective to answer the question -- from which material state life originated: solid, solution or gas? At present, it is typically assumed that life started in an aqueous solution. Problems associated with the aqueous solution hypothesis are the lack of protection and confinement of biomolecules such as DNA and RNA, especially at the pre-cell stage when the cell membrane has not yet evolved. Based on our previous work in cell-free protein production, DNA hydrogel, and nano-clay, in the first half of my talk, I will present a new theory and associated experimental evidences on the origin of life.
    Almost all of the current metamaterials are composed of inorganic units. Meta-properties are mostly focused on the unusual electromagnetic properties such as invisible cloak. In the second part, I will presentour work on the creation of an organic meta-material in the format of DNA hydrogel by using carefully designed enzymatic processes to control the internal nano-structures.This DNA meta-hydrogel possessed properties not found in nature: having both liquid- and solid-like properties. Our DNA meta-hydrogels may significantly expand metamaterial repertoire.
    Professional Preparation
    University of Science and Technology of China (Biological Sciences), B.S. 1989
    The Ohio State University (Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology), Ph.D. 1997
    The Ohio State University (Molecular Genetics), Postdoc, 1997-1998
    Cornell University (Chemical Engineering), Postdoc, 1998-2001
    Professor, Cornell University, 2011-present
    Associate Professor, Cornell University, 2007-2010
    Assistant Professor, Cornell University, 2001-2006
    • Plenary Speaker, the 3rd International Soft Matter Conference, Rome, Italy, 2013
    • Plenary Speaker, the 2nd Nano Today Conference, Hawaii, USA, 2011
    • Bill and Melinda Gates Point-of-care Diagnostic Grand Challenge Award recipient, 2011
    • Journal of Materials Chemistry Editorial Board Award for “in recognition of his research in developing new materials for sensing, imaging, and biotechnology”, 2010
    • Cornell Outstanding Educator for having most influenced a Merrill Presidential Scholar, 2010, also in 2008 and in 2003
    • University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Distinguished Speaker Lecture Series, 2009
    • SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities, 2008
    • New York State Foundation for Science, Technology and Innovation Faculty Development Program Award (“New York Distinguished Professor”), 2007
    • Cornell Provost’s Award for Outstanding Scholarship, 2007
    • R&D Magazine’s “Most innovative products of 2006" in the MicroNano 25 competition, 2006
    • National Science Foundation CAREER Award, 2006
    • Recognized as one of the “Cornell inventors” for “contributions to the university and the world” 2006, and also 2009
    • New York State Foundation for Science, Technology and Innovation (NYSTAR) Technology Translation Incentive Program Award, 2005
    Representative Publications (selected out of >60)
    1. Y. Lu, S. Peng, D. Luo, and A. Lal “Low-concentration mechanical biosensor based on a photonic crystal nanowire array”, Nature Communications, 2, doi: 10.1038/ncomms1587, (2011)
    2. S. Tan, M. Campolongo, D. Luo, W. Cheng, DNA-Based Assembly of Plasmonic Molecules, Polymers and Crystals, Nature Nanotechnology 6, 268-276 (2011)
    3. N. Park, J.S. Kahn, E.J. Rice, M.R. Hartman, H. Funabashi, J. Xu, S.H. Um, D. Luo, High-yield cell-free protein production from P-gel, Nature Protocols, 4, 1759-1770 (2009)
    4. W. Cheng, M.J. Campolongo, J.J. Cha, S.J. Tan, C.C. Umbach, D.A. Muller, D. Luo, Free-Standing nanoparticle superlattice sheets controlled by DNA (Article) Nature Materials, 8, 519-525 (2009).
    5. N. Park, S. Um, H. Funabashi, J. Xu, D. Luo, P-gel: A cell-free protein producing gel (Article) Nature Materials, 8, 432-437 (2009)
    6. J.B. Lee, et al. A General Approach to Generate Multifunctional Nano-architectures from DNA-based ABC Monomers, Nature Nanotechnology 4, 430-436 (2009)
     7. M. Campolongo, D. Luo, Drug delivery: Old polymer learns new tracts (invited comment) Nature Materials, 8, 447-8 (2009)
     8. W. Cheng, N. Park, M.T. Walter, M. Hartman, D. Luo, Nanopatterning self-assembled nanoparticle superlattices by molding microdroplets (Cover Article) Nature Nanotechnology 3, 682-690 (2008)
     9. S. Um, J. Lee, N. Park, S. Kwon, C. Umbach, D. Luo, Enzyme catalyzed assembly of DNA hydrogels, Nature Materials 5, 797-801 (2006)
     10. S. Um, J. Lee, S. Kwon, D. Luo, DNA nanobarcodes, Nature Protocols, 1, 995-1000 (2006)
     11. Y. Li, Y. Cu and D. Luo, DNA fluorescence nanobarcodes for multiplexed pathogen detection, Nature Biotechnology 23, 885-889 (2005)
     12. Y. Li, Y.D. Tseng, S.Y. Kown, L. d’Espaux, J.S. Bunch, P.L McEuen and D. Luo. Controlled assembly of dendrimer-like DNA. Nature Materials, 3, 38-42 (2004).
     13. D. Luo and W.M. Saltzman. Enhancement of transfection by physical concentration of DNA at the cell surface, Nature Biotechnology, 18, 893-895 (2000)
     14. D. Luo and W.M. Saltzman. Synthetic DNA delivery systems, Nature Biotechnology, 18, 33-37 (2000)
    Synergistic Activities
     1. Mentoring and Teaching: Supervised more than 30 undergraduate Honors research; awarded three times “Cornell University Outstanding Educator” for having most influenced a Merrill Presidential Scholar (2005, 2008, and 2010). Developed two new courses “Molecular and Cellular BioEngineering” and “Nucleic Acid Engineering”
     2. Outreach: Co-advisor of Student Chapter at Cornell of the Institute of Biological Engineering. Participant in REU programs (CCMR and NBTC);
     3. Entrepreneurship: Filed more than 20 patents. Co-founded DNANO, a start-up company, and won several top prizes in business idea and plan competition for technology transfer. Member of Cornell Technology Transfer Advisory Council and also Financial Conflict of Interests Committee.
     4. Services: Associate Editor, Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology; Editorial board members for Nanomedicine, Nano Today, and Current Nanotechnology. Conference Co-Chair for Materials Today Asia Conference (Sept. 2007); Symposium Co-chair for the International Conference on Materials and Advanced Technology (ICMAT 2009, 2013), Biomedical Eng Society (BMES, 2005), Materials Research Society (MRS, 2003), American Society of Gene Therapy (ASGT, June 2003). Proposal Reviewer for NSF, USDA, NIH, DOD and other 6 countries’ Science Foundations.
     5. Knowledge Dissemination: Invited more than 170 times since becoming faculty (2001) for invited talks at universities and conferences worldwide. Interviewed by mass media including PBS and MSNBC. Awarded “the most creative product” by R & D Magazine (2005).
    Graduate and Postdoctoral Advisors
    BS: Yun-Yu Shi, U. of Science of Technology of China; PhD: Mark T. Muller, The Ohio State University; Postdoctoral: W. Mark Saltzman, Cornell University (Currently at Yale U.)
    Thesis Advisor, Postgraduate-Scholar Sponsor and Collaborators
    Current Postdoc: D. Yang, Kwang Lee, Y. Roh, Kohta Mohri
    Current PhD Graduate Students: T. Tran, M. Campolongo, P. Kiawuthinon, S. Tan, M. Hartman, J. Kahn, S. Peng, R. Ruiz, T. Derrien, K. Yancey
    Postdoc Supervised: H. Funabashi (Assoc. Prof, Tokyo), J. Xu (Asst. Prof., Arkansas State U.), Y. Wang (Asso. Prof., China), L. Ding, W. Cheng (Assoc. Prof. Monash U., Australia), T. Gupton, Y. Hu
    PhD Student Supervised: Y. Li (postdoc, Caltech), S. Um (postdoc, MIT), J. Lee (postdoc, MIT), Y. Roh (postdoc, MIT), Thua Tran (postdoc, Cornell)
    Master Students Supervised: D. Baskind, C. Chee C. Chan, R. Yeung, Y. Tan, E. Yang, P. Tu, M. Dadlani, Y. Cu, S. Kwon

