  • 国际实验室系列讲座23—复旦大学金国新教授
  • 发布时间:2013-05-24 点击次数:1
  • 2013年5月24日下午2点,国际实验室系列学术讲座2013年上半年第二期报告在A718室举行,本次讲座邀请到复旦大学金国新教授来苏州纳米所进行学术交流。金国新教授作了题为”Organometallic Macrocycles and Cages ”(有机金属大环化合物和笼状化合物:从分子到材料以及它们的应用)的学术报告。报告会由王强斌研究员主持,相关科研人员和学生聆听了报告。
    The construction of new inorganic and organometallic macrocycles with interesting structural features and technologically useful functions have been topics of intense study with considerable potential.1 One of the chief motivating factors to growth in this field is the development of new, functional and tunable donor building blocks that can bridge transition metals. Ideal building blocks should be easily accessible, exhibit high affinities toward transition metals, and possess facial coordination sites can undergo exchange reactions with various ligands.
    Motivated by interest in supramolecular chemistry with organometallic half-sandwich complexes, we have initiated a new approach for preparing organometallic macrocycles via C-H and B-H activations with Terephthalate and dicarboxylate carborane.2 We report herein an efficient method for synthesizing molecular macrocycles of half-sandwich iridium and rhodium complexes via C-H and B-H activation directed muticomponent self-assembly under mild condition.
    Keywords: Organometallics; Macrocycles; Cages; C-H activation; B-H activation
    1). a). Han, Y.-F.; Jia, W.-G.; Yu, W.-B.; Jin, G.-X. Chem. Soc. Rev., 2009, 3419; b). Han, Y.-F.; Li, H.; Jin, G.-X. ChemComm, (Feature Article) 2010, 46, 6879.
    2). a) Han, Y. F.; Jia, W. G.; Lin, Y. J.; Jin, G. X. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,, 48, 2009, 6234; b) S-L. Huang, A-Q. Jia, G-X. Jin, ChemComm, 2013, 2403; c) Han, Y.-F.; Jin, G.-X. ChemComm, 2010, 46, 3556; d). Han, Y.-F.; Lin,Y-J.; Jin, G.-X. ChemComm, 2008, 1807; e) Han, Y.-F.; Lin,Y-J.; Jin, G.-X. ChemComm, 2008, 350; f). Wu, T.; Weng, L-H. Jin, G.-X., ChemComm. 2012, 4435; g). Wu, T.; Weng, L-H.; Jin, G.-X. ChemComm. 2012, 48, 4435; h). Yao, Z-J.; Huo; K-H., Jin, G.-X. ChemComm. 2012, 48, 6714; i). Yu, W.-B.; Han, Y.-F.; Jin, G.-X. Chem. Euro. J. 2011, 17, 1863; g). Wang, G. -L.; Lin, Y.-J.; Jin, G.-X. Chem. Euro. J. 2011, 17, 5578.
    金国新:复旦大学特聘教授,长江学者(2001年),复旦大学无机化学国家重点学科学科带头人;兼任英国皇家化学会《Dalton Transactions》副主编、美国化学会《Organometallics》、《Journal of Organometallic Chemistry》、《无机化学学报》和《科学通报》等刊物的编委;英国皇家化学会Fellow等职。有机金属化学国家重点实验室; 配位化学国家重点实验室和羰基合成与选择氧化国家重点实验室学术委员会委员。1999年获国家杰出青年基金。他从事有机金属化学、有机金属碳硼烷化学以及有机金属烯烃聚合催化剂的研究;已出版学术专著5部,发表研究论文240余篇,这些文章被引用3800多次;申请和获得中国发明专利50多项。2009年获上海市自然科学一等奖。


