  • 国际实验室系列讲座29—国家纳米科学中心何军教授
  • 发布时间:2013-10-15 点击次数:1
  •      2013年10月15日上午10点,国际实验室系列学术讲座2013年下半年第三期报告在A718室举行,本次讲座邀请到国家纳米中心何军教授来苏州纳米所进行学术交流。何军教授作了题为 “Low-dimensional Te- and Se-based nanomaterials学术报告。报告会由张跃钢研究员主持,相关科研人员和学生聆听了报告。

    Prof. He received his PhD in Semiconductor Physics from the Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), in 2003. Then he joined Applied Physics Department of Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands, as a postdoctoral fellow. From 2005 to 2007, he worked at Material Department of University of California, Santa Babara, USA. From 2007 to 2010, he worked at California NanoSystem Insitute (CNSI), University of California, Los Angeles, USA. He joined the “100-Talents” Program of CAS in Nov. 2010 and became a Full Professor of NCNST since then. Up to date, He is the author or co-author of more than 60 refereed papers.
    Current research interests:
    1)          Synthesis, physical properties and devices of low-dimensional semiconductor materials;
    2)          Electronic, optoelectronic and optical information devices;
    3)          Multi-component hybrid nanostructure design and applications in energy, electronics, and optoelectronics.