  • 会议论文及报告
  • 发布时间:2013-01-24 点击次数:2
  • (1) Invited Talk: Y. Zhang, “Direct Growth of Graphene Nanoribbons for Large ScaleDevice Fabrication”, The Second International Conference on Small Science (ICSS2012), Orlando, Florida, USA, Dec. 16-19, 2012.

    (2) L. Ji,M. Rao, H. Zheng, L. Zhang, Y. Li, W. Duan, J. Guo, E. Cairns, and Y. Zhang*,“Graphene Oxide-Sulfur Nanocomposites for Advanced Lithium/Sulfur CellCathodes”, the 221st ECS Meeting in Seattle, Washington,May 6 -10, 2012.

    (3) I. Martin-Fernandez,Y. Zhang “Direct Growthof Graphene Nanoribbons for Graphene Device Fabrication”, Materials ResearchSociety (MRS) 2012 Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 9 - 13, 2012.

    (4) F. Nardi, S. Facchin, B.Harteneck, S. Zhou, S. Cabrini, D. Wang, Y. Zhang, D. Ielmini, “In situ TEM Observation of ResistiveSwitching in NiO Core-shell Nanowires”, Materials Research Society (MRS) 2012Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 9 - 13, 2012.

    (5) L. Ji, M. Rao, H. Zheng, E.Cairns, V. Battaglia, and Y. Zhang*, “Reduced Graphene Oxide-Sulfur Nanocompositesfor Advanced Lithium-Sulfur Batteries”, Materials Research Society (MRS) 2011 Fall Meeting,Boston, MA, Nov. 28 - Dec. 2, 2011.

    (6) L. Ji, M. Rao, E. Cairns, andY. Zhang*, “Electrochemical-Active Transition Metal Sulfide/GrapheneNanocomposite Electrodes for High Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries”, Materials Research Society (MRS) 2011 FallMeeting, Boston, MA, Nov. 28 - Dec. 2, 2011.

    (7) G. Xu,C. M. Torres, J. Bai, J. Tang, X. Duan, Y. Huang, Y. Zhang, and K. L. Wang,Effect of Edge Disorders on the Scaling Behaviors of GrapheneNanostructures”, MaterialsResearch Society (MRS) 2011 Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, Nov. 28 - Dec. 2, 2011.

    (8) L. Ji,M. Rao, E. Cairns, and Y. Zhang*, "Preparation and ElectrochemicalEvaluation of Porous Carbon-Sulfur Composite Cathode Materials for HighPerformance Lithium/Sulfur Cells", the 220th ECSMeeting & Electrochemical Energy Summit in Boston, Massachusetts, October 9-14,2011.

    (9) C. Cagli, B. Harteneck, F.Nardi, Z. Tan, Y. Zhang and D. Ielmini, “Nanowire-Based RRAM Crossbar Memorywith Metallic core–oxide Shell nanostructure”, The 41st European Solid-StateDevice Research Conference (ESSDERC), Helsinki, Finland, September 12 – 16, 2011.

    (10) Invited Talk: Y. Zhang, “Graphenepattern formation guided by catalyst self-assembly”, the 7th Annual Conferenceon Foundations of Nanoscience: Self-Assembled Architectures And Devices (FNANO 2011), Snowbird,Utah, April 11-15, 2011.

    (11) L. Ji, A. Ismach, Z. Tan and Y.Zhang, “Fabrication of Nanostructured Composite Anodes for Advanced Lithium IonBatteries”, Materials ResearchSociety (MRS) 2011 Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 26 - 29, 2011.

    (12) C. Cagli, B. Harteneck, F.Nardi, Z. Tan, Y. Zhang and D. Ielmini, “Resistive Switching in Core-shellNi-NiO Nanowires for Crossbar Memory Arrays”, Materials Research Society (MRS) 2011 Spring Meeting, SanFrancisco, CA, April 26 - 29, 2011.

    (13) G. Xu, C. M. Torres Jr., J.Bai, E. B. Song, X. Duan, Y. Zhang and K. L. Wang, “Low-frequency Noise ofGraphene Nanostructures for Device and Material Characterizations”, Materials Research Society (MRS) 2011 SpringMeeting, San Francisco, CA, April 26 -29, 2011.

    (14) Y. Zhang, “Chemical VaporDeposition of Graphene Films on Dielectric Substrate”, 2010 InternationalChemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (PacifiChem 2010), Honolulu,Hawaii, Dec. 15-20, 2010.

    (15) A.Ismach, Z. Tan, Y. Zhang*, “Tuning Sub-micron Graphene Structures on DielectricSurfaces by Controlled De-wetting of Metal Catalyst Layers”, Materials ResearchSociety (MRS) 2010 Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, Nov. 29 - Dec. 3, 2010.

    (16) Invited Talk: G. Xu, Y. Zhang*, K. L. Wang, “Effect of Spatial ChargeInhomogeneity on 1/f Noise Behavior in Graphene”, the International Conferenceon Superlattices, Nanostructures and Nanodevices (ICSNN-2010), Beijing, China,July 18-23, 2010.

    (17) G. Xu,J. Bai, C. M. Torres Jr., E. B. Song, Y. Zhou, X. Duan, Y. Zhang, Y. Huang and K.L. Wang, “Nanowire-mask based fabrication of high mobility and low noisegraphene nanoribbon short-channel field-effect transistors”, Device ResearchConference (DRC), South Bend, Indiana, June 21-23, 2010.

    (18) Y.Zhang, J. R. McDonough, Y. Cui, “Carbon-based Three-dimensionallyNanostructured Supercapacitor Electrodes”, 2010 International Conference onAdvanced Capacitors (ICAC2010), Kyoto, Japan, May 31 - June 2, 2010.

    (19) J. R.McDonough, J. W. Choi, Y. Yang, F. La Mantia, Y. Zhang, and Y. Cui, “CarbonNanostructured Supercapacitors with Large Areal Capacitances”, 217thElectrochemical Society (ECS) Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, April 25-30, 2010.

    (20) A.Ismach, C. Druzgalski, S. Penwell, M. Zheng, A. Javey, J. Bokor, Y. Zhang,“Direct chemical vapor deposition of single and few--graphene layers ondielectric surfaces”, American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting 2010, Portland, Oregon, March15–19, 2010.

    (21) G. Xu, C. M. Torres Jr., Y. Zhang, F. Liu, M. Wang, Y. Zhou, C.Zeng, and K. L. Wang, “Electron-holepuddle induced scattering and 1/f noise behavior”, American Physical Society(APS) March Meeting 2010, Portland,Oregon, March 15–19, 2010.

    (22) Y. Zhang, “Carbon Nanomaterials for Nanoelectronics and Energy”, TheMolecular Foundry and ALS User’s Meeting 2009, Berkeley, California, Oct.15-16,2009.

    (23) N. Tayebi, Y. Narui, N. Franklin, C. P. Collier, K. P. Giapis, and Y. Zhang, “Single-digitnanometer domain formation using carbon nanotube-based nanopencil probes”,NT09: 10th International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes,Beijing, China, June 21-26, 2009.

    (24) A. Ismach, R. Tangirala, Y. Zhang,“Directional Etching of Graphene by Catalytic Silver Nanoparticles”, The U.S.Department of Energy Nanoscale Science Research Centers (NSRCs) Contractors'Meeting, Annapolis, Maryland, June 3-5, 2009.

    (25) Y. Zhang, “Carbon Nanotubes inNon-Volatile Memory Applications”, The International MRS 2008 Conference BeijingSatellite Meeting on Advanced Technologies for Advanced Characterizations ofAdvanced Materials (AAA), Beijing, China, June 15-18, 2008.

    (26) Invited Talk: Y. Zhang, “Non-Volatile Memory Technology: ScalingChallenges & Future Trends”, DISKCON USA 2007, Sept. 18 – 21, 2007, SantaClara, CA.

    (27) Invited Talk: Y. Zhang, “Non-Volatile Memory Technology: Present& Future Trends”, Berkeley Nanotechnology Forum, April 15, 2007, Berkeley,CA

    (28) D. Ielmini and Y. Zhang, “Physics-based analytical model ofchalcogenide-based memories for array simulation”, 2006 IEDM (International Electron Devices Meeting), Dec. 11 – 13, 2006, SanFrancisco, CA.

    (29) Invited Talk: Y. Zhang, “Carbon nanotube based non-volatilememory and charge sensors”, SPIE – OpticsEast 2005, Oct.24, 2005. Boston, MA.

    (30) Invited Talk: Y. Zhang, “Carbon Nanotube Based Nano-Floating Gate Memory”, 2005 Materials Research Society (MRS)Spring Meeting, March 28 - April 1, 2005, San Francisco, CA.

    (31) Invited Talk: Y. Zhang, “Optical Trapping and In-situ Raman Spectroscopy ofSoluble Carbon Nanotubes”, 229th American Chemical Society (ACS) NationalMeeting, March 13-17, 2005, San Diego, CA.

    (32) Invited Talk: Y. Zhang, “An optical method for trapping and detection ofsingle-walled carbon nanotubes in aqueous solution”, SPIE – OpticsEast 2004, Philadelphia,Pennsylvania, Oct. 25, 2004.

    (33) Invited Talk: Y. Zhang, “Optical trapping of water-soluble single-walled carbonnanotubes”, The 31stAnnual Meeting of Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS), Portland, Oregon, Oct. 4, 2004.

    (34) Invited Talk: M. Liao, R. Chen, H. Lopez, Y. Zhang, “Manipulation ofSingle-Walled Carbon Nanotubes into Aligned Arrays”, Northern California ChapterAVS 2004 Annual Symposium, Sept. 13, 2004, San Jose, CA.

    (35) Invited Talk: Y. Zhang, “Synthesis and alignment of carbon nanotubes”, AmericanPhysical Society (APS) 2002 MarchMeeting, Indianapolis, USA, March 2002.

    (36) Y. Zhang, S. Iijima, “Light-inducedelastic and electrical behaviors of carbon nanotube bundles”, 196th Meeting ofthe Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, Hawaii, October 17-22, 1999.

    (37) Y. Zhang, Z. Shi, Z. Gu, S.Iijima, “Microstructures of purified single-wall carbon nanotubes”, The 17thFullerene Symposium (Fullerene Research Association, The Chemical Society ofJapan), Gifu, Japan, Aug. 1999.

    (38) Y. Zhang, T. Ichihashi, E.Landree, S. Iijima, “Diffusivereaction of silicon and refractory metals on carbon nanotubes”, AmericanPhysical Society (APS) Centennial Meeting, Atlanta, USA, Mar. 1999.

    (39) Y. Zhang, K. Suenaga, C.Colliex and S. Iijima, “Structureof nanocables”, The 16th Fullerene Symposium (FullereneResearch Association, The Chemical Society of Japan), Okasaki, Japan, Jan.1999.

    (40) Invited Talk: Y. Zhang, “Synthesis and microscopic characterization ofnanotubular structures”, Materials Science Forum (Tsinghua University),Beijing, China, Nov. 1998.

    (41) Y. Zhang, S. Iijima, Behaviors of carbonnanotubes under light illumination”, 1998 Fall Sectional Meeting of the Physical Societyof Japan, Okinawa, Japan, Sept. 1998.

    (42) Y. Zhang, H. Gu, and S.Iijima, “Single-wall carbonnanotubes synthesized by laser ablation in nitrogen gas”, The 15th Fullerene Symposium (Fullerene ResearchAssociation, The Chemical Society of Japan), Matsushima, Japan, July 1998.

    (43) Y.Zhang, E. Landree, and S. Iijima, “Processing of single-wall carbon nanotubesfor nano-electronic application”, European Materials Research Society (E-MRS)1998 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, June 1998.

    (44) Y.Zhang, K. Suenaga, H. Gu, and S. Iijima, “Synthesis of carbon-BN and relatedcomposite nanotubular structures by laser ablation”, American Physical Society(APS) 1998 March Meeting, Los Angeles, USA, Mar. 1998.

    (45) Y. Zhang and S. Iijima, “TEM observationof in-situ deposited SWCNT by laserablation”, The 14th Fullerene Symposium (Fullerene ResearchAssociation, The Chemical Society of Japan), Okasaki, Japan, Jan. 1998.

    (46) Y.Zhang, H. Ichinose, Y. Ishida, K. Ito, and M. Nakanose, “Atomic structures ofgrain boundaries in CVD diamond thin film”, Materials Research Society (MRS)1996 Fall Meeting, Boston, USA, Dec. 1996.

    (47) Y.Zhang, H. Ichinose, Y. Ishida, K. Ito, and M. Nakanose, “Computer simulation ofthe atomic structure images on diamond S3 boundary”, The Japan Institute of Metals1996 Fall Meeting, Sapporo, Japan, Sept. 1996.

    (48) Y.Zhang, H. Ichinose, M.Kohyama, Y. Ishida, K .Ito, and M. Nakanose, “Structuredetermination of diamond grain boundary by HREM and computer image simulation”,The 8th International Symposium on Crystal Growth (The JapanInstitute of Metals), Toyama, Japan, Aug. 1996.

    (49) Y.Zhang, H. Ichinose, K. Ito, Y. Ishida and M. Nakanose, “Interface structure ofCVD diamond thin film on Si substrate”, The 117th Meeting of theJapan Institute of Metals, as International Symposia on Advanced Materials andTechnology for the 21st Century, Hawaii, USA, Dec. 1995.

    (50) Y.Zhang, H. Ichinose, Y. Ishida, K. Ito, and M. Nakanose, “Atomic and electronicstructures of grain boundary in chemical vapor deposited diamond thin film”,Materials Research Society (MRS) 1995 Fall Meeting, Boston, USA, Nov. 1995.

    (51) H.Ichinose, Y. Zhang, K. Ito, Y. Ishida, and M. Nakanose, “HRTEM and FEG-EELSanalyses on diamond grain boundaries”, The 11th Forum on AnalyticalElectron Microscopy, Tokyo, Japan, Sept. 1995.

    (52) Y.Zhang, H. Ichinose, K. Ito, Y. Ishida, and M. Nakanose, “Structure analysis of S9 boundary indiamond thin films”, The Japan Institute of Metals 1995 Spring Meeting, Tokyo,Japan, Apr. 1995.

    (53) Y.Zhang, H. Ichinose, Y. Ishida, and M. Nakanose, “HRTEM of grain boundaries indiamond thin film”, The 2nd NIRIM International Symposium on Advanced Materials(ISAM’95), Tsukuba, Japan, March 1995.

    (54) Y.Zhang, T. Ichimori, T, Ishii, H. Ichinose, K. Ito, Y. Ishida, and M. Nakanose,“High resolution electron microscopic observation of grain boundaries indiamond thin films”, The Japan Institute of Metals 1994 Fall Meeting, Kyushu,Japan, Oct. 1994.

    (55) H.Ichinose, Y. Zhang, M. Nakanose, K. Ito, and Y. Ishida, “High resolution electronmicroscopy on diamond grain boundaries”, The Japan Institute of Metals 1994Spring Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, Apr. 1994.

    (56) C.Shi, Y. Li, Y. Zhang, and S. Fan, “Single step in-situ laser deposition of YBCO thin films on sapphire with YSZbuffer layers”, International Conference on High Temperature SuperconductivityBHTSC’92, Beijing, China, May 1992.

    (57) S.Fan, C. Shi, Y. Zhang, and L. Cai, “In-situlaser deposition of YBCO thin films on SiO2/Si substrates with YSZbuffer layers”, International Conference on High Temperature SuperconductivityBHTSC’92, Beijing, China, May 1992.

    (58) Y.Zhang, S. Fan, and H. Chen, “Research on the characteristics of pulsed laserdeposition technique”, The 1st Scientific Forum of Tsinghua University forYoung Teachers, Beijing, China, July 1991.

    (59) Y.Zhang, C. Shi, H. Zhu, and S. Fan, “Fabrication of high Tc thin films at lowtemperature”, Symposium on High Tc Superconducting Thin Films and Devices,Nanjing, China, May 1990.

    (60) S.Fan, Y. Zhang, H. Xiao, J. Zhang, and M. Liu, “Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O high Tcsuperconducting thin films prepared by laser ablation”, Symposium on High TcSuperconducting Thin Films, Hefei, China, April 1989.

    (61) Y.Zhang and S. Fan, “Deposition of high Tc superconducting thin films by laserinduced secondary ejection”, The First National Conference on High-TcSuperconductivity for Young Scholars, Wuhan, China, Oct. 1988.